Saturday, May 23, 2009

Paper Heart

I keep thinking I'm going to get tired of Michael Cera, but it never happens. Although honestly, Charlotte Lee completely steals the show here (as much as the main character can steal it, but as she says at one point, "Michael is way more successful than me").

Charlotte plays herself, shooting a documentary about why she can't fall in love. Michael Cera plays himself as the guy she falls for during shooting. The awkwardness level is through the roof, but they play off each other perfectly. And a series of fantastic interviews fill out the documentary, along with 4 ingenious puppet show segments to illustrate select interviews.

I honestly can't tell which parts were ad-libbed and which were totally scripted, which is part of why it works so well. Even though you know the general premise is fake, the interviews are very genuine, especially the one with a playground full of children.

The direction is low key, the production on the puppet shows is fantastic, and the acting is perfect. The entire thing is charming to the point of being disgusting. I loved every second.

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