Monday, June 8, 2009


The "demon baby" thing is not new to horror. And this may be my peculiar sense of the horror genre, but I think it's done best when there's some element of actual evil or malice to the child.

In Grace, a woman's husband dies in a horrible car accident, and shortly after she nearly miscarries. However, despite the insistence of her midwife, doctor, and meddling mother-in-law, she delivers the baby who is miraculously alive.

At this point the movie seems to be going down the road of some kind of demonic possession or something supernatural, since the baby starts to stink, attract flies, bleed when bathed, and feed only on human blood. But the film never really commits, as the child never shows any kind of intelligence, and heals from his decrepit state for no particular reason.

This, plus a poorly supported lesbian relationship with the midwife that comes completely out of left field, make this more confusing than anything. Well directed and acted for the first part, but the lack of any satisfying conclusion made this one pretty forgettable.

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