Monday, May 26, 2008


Following on from such a gripping thriller as TransSiberian, I'm not sure what could have competed in the horror genre. Epitaph wasn't it, but it wasn't bad.

A mildly confusing prologue leads in to three intermingling ghost stories set in a Korean (I think) hospital around WWII. Beautiful period sets and outfits are enjoyable, and the scenes are pretty enough. The acting is quite decent, although maybe nothing special. The plot itself, though, is overly confusing and a bit cliche.

Maybe I was tired, but it took too long to make the context switch between the first and second ghost, which pulled me out of the narrative. And of the three ghosts, only the second was really scary. The others went for cheap shocks and triple-bluff surprises, and were not scary at all. Maybe that's the point, since classic ghost stories are not necessarily supposed to be terrifying, but the stories aren't quite strong enough to carry it without that strong emotion to draw you in.

Worth seeing if you're a fan of the Japanese Horror genre, or maybe horror in general, but otherwise you won't be missing much.

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