Friday, May 30, 2008

Kiss The Bride

There's a tired old adage, "Why do gays want to marry? Haven't they seen how miserable married people are?" The same question should have been asked of a director who aspires to make a "gay movie" which contains all the worst elements of every low quality romantic comedy of the past thirty years.

Kiss The Bride is a dismal train-wreck of a movie. Inane writing and cringe-worthy jokes are only made worse by poor acting. Sadly there are a couple decent jokes buried in the midst, but they are more than overshadowed by the in your face, "We're gay, hey, look at us, see how gay we are! We're being gay!" attitude conveyed by so many characters. Any character who plays one facet to such extremes is next to intolerable, and to have literally dozens of them is mind-numbing.

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